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chief judge, people’ tribunals
人民法庭庭长  detail>>
chief judge
裁判长 审判长, 庭长, 法院院长 首席法官 庭长  detail>>
chief gate judge
水门主裁判  detail>>
chief judge at the finish
终点裁判长  detail>>
chief judge of a tribunal
法庭庭长  detail>>
chief judge of the high court
高等法院首席法官  detail>>
chief judge of the land court
土地法院首席法官  detail>>
deputy chief judge
副庭长  detail>>
economic division chief judge
经济审判庭庭长  detail>>
judicial committee chief judge
审判委员会审判长  detail>>
judge people by appearances
从外表看人  detail>>
judge people with charity
宽厚度人  detail>>
never judge people by their appearance
永远不要以貌取人  detail>>
economic division associate chief judge
经济审判庭副庭长  detail>>
judge people from old impressions
拿老眼光看人  detail>>
administrative tribunals
行政裁判所  detail>>
economic tribunals
经济法庭  detail>>
rent tribunals
租金裁判庭  detail>>